
Dolphin Fish Text Art

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                                        The Dolphins' Way,
                      In Me          Aspirations of the living
                   sea The dolphins do move within    me The aura of
                     their soul, I feel deep down To be in the water
                        and not on ground Sifting through the
                          ocean, an expressing show Communi-
                        cation of a song and a blow Pro-
                     tecting even those not of their
                  kind They ask nothing in return,
             they do not mind The most gracious
          and unselfish of all that wander I
      wish to swim with them, nothing   could
    be fonder The dolphins mean so     much
 to me, you see I need to thank      them,
for showing us how to be                       


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1 comment:

  1. These are cool, but can you make a dolphin in one line of text?


We would love to hear your feedback, so please don't hesitate to comment. :)